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The Global Honor Society for Public Affairs & Administration

Download Sample PAA Local Chapter Constitution
PAA Chapter Handbook
We celebrated the academic achievements of our graduates during our annual alumni event where a panel of distinguished alumni discussed their careers in public service. We look forward to our chapter growing. Amy Smith, Faculty Advisor - University of Massachusetts Boston


This is a sample constitution which may be used as a guide in preparing local chapter constitutions. Please note that local chapter constitutions must conform to provisions set forth in the Pi Alpha Alpha Chapter Handbook. Therefore, please read and/or download the Pi Alpha Alpha Chapter Handbook carefully before beginning to draft chapter constitution.



Pi Alpha Alpha (PAA) is a program run by and a registered Trademark of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).  National PAA activities are directed by NASPAA, governed by the NASPAA Executive Council and administered by NASPAA Staff.  The NASPAA Executive Council has created an ad hoc committee to review PAA activities and make recommendations about the use of NASPAA funds to support PAA.

NASPAA serves new PAA inductees by recording their names on a list of honorees. NASPAA provides local chapters with occasional grants to support the activities of the local honor societies and pursues other activities in the name of PAA. The PAA ad hoc committee makes recommendations about adding new chapters, honoring chapters and students with awards, and about NASPAA activities related to PAA.  Local chapters nominate new members, induct them into their local chapters and submit their names to NASPAA.  The funds submitted to NASPAA at the time new members are inducted are used to pay for induction items (pins, regalia, certificates, etc.)  and to support NASPAA operations including those activities related to PAA.


ARTICLE I - name

This chapter shall be known as the [NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] Chapter of Pi Alpha Alpha, the Global Honor Society of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration.

ARTICLE Ii - purposes

The purposes of this society shall be to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public policy, affairs and administration, to promote the advancement of education and practice in the art and science of public policy, affairs and administration, and to foster integrity, professionalism and creative performance in the conduct of governmental and related public service activities.

Article III - Membership

Membership shall be limited to those of academic excellence and achievement and/or distinguished public service who are or have been enrolled or teach in public policy, public affairs or public administration programs, or who serve or have served in the public service.

Membership shall be limited to those who demonstrate academic excellence in public policy, affairs and administration programs in NASPAA member schools and/or distinguished public service, and who fall within the following classes: student, alumni, faculty, and honorary. All membership is global membership with local chapter affiliation where appropriate.

(a) Student Membership
(1) Undergraduate Students
Candidates for undergraduate degrees who rank in the upper ten percent of their graduating class may be inducted provided that:

(a)   they have completed 15 semester hours of course work required for the public policy, public affairs or public administration major or its equivalent

(b)   they have maintained an average grade of 3.7 on a scale of 4.0 (A GPA of 3.67 or above can be rounded up to qualify) in all courses included in the major in public policy, public affairs and public administration, and at least a 3.0 in all other course work;

(c)   they have met the requirements of (a) and (b) above and are in the last semester or quarter of their junior year.

(2) Transfer Students
Transfer students who meet the qualifications for undergraduate membership may be inducted after they have completed a minimum of one full year of course work in the school or college to which they transfer and in which the chapter is located.

(3) Master's Degree Students
A graduate student may be inducted from among the master’s degree students who have maintained a GPA of at least 3.7 for 50 percent of the required course work (a minimum of 18 semester hours or 27 quarter hours).  A GPA of 3.67 or above can be rounded up to qualify.  There is no restriction to the number who may be inducted.

(4) Doctoral Students
Doctoral students who meet the requirements for Pi Alpha Alpha master’s degree student membership or who have completed all the requirements for the MPP, MPA or its equivalent, may be inducted without restriction as to number.

(b) Alumni Membership
Those who meet all the requirements of student membership but who have graduated before induction by a local chapter may be inducted as alumni members. Student members shall become alumni members upon graduation. If an alumni member relocates to a city where there is another chapter, s/he may also affiliate with the other chapter.

(c) Faculty Membership
Any full-time member of a NASPAA member institution faculty offering course work in public policy, affairs or administration degree program at which a Pi Alpha Alpha chapter is located, may be elected to faculty membership by such local chapter.

(d) Honorary Membership
(1) Local Honorary
Any person who has achieved distinction in public policy, public affairs or public administration and who possess the distinguished qualities that Pi Alpha Alpha foster may be inducted to honorary membership in a local chapter. Local chapters may induct as many as two individuals per year without express approval of the NASPAA Pi Alpha Alpha Special Ad Hoc COmmittee. Prior to induction of more than two honorary members, the local chapter must request and receive approval by the Ad Hoc Committee.

(2) National Honorary
A person who has made a particularly distinguished contribution to public policy, public affairs or public administration through practice or education may be inducted to national honorary membership.

(a) Membership
The [NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] Chapter shall have a nominating committee which shall consist of three members, two of whom shall be members of the full-time faculty teaching in the public policy, public affairs or public administration program of this university or college.  The nominating committee will review students who are academically eligible for membership.  They may wish to determine if the students are free from any disciplinary judgments before nominating them for membership.

(b) National Honorary Membership
The NASPAA Pi Alpha Alpha Special Ad Hoc Committee and local chapters may nominate candidates for national honorary membership. The selection of the national honorees will be made by a majority vote of the national executive committee at the Annual Conference of NASPAA or as prescribed by Ad Hoc Committee policy.


 Each fellow shall pay such initiation fees and annual dues as may be prescribed by the [NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] Chapter and/or the NASPAA Pi Alpha Alpha Special Ad Hoc Committee.

A student fellow of the Global Society, in good standing, who transfers to [NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] and meets the appropriate requirements above, shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of this Chapter but shall be considered an official member of the chapter in which the student was inducted.

ARTICLE Iv - local organization

The officers of the [NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] Chapter shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, treasurer, and a chapter Advisor, and their names shall be reported to the National Director of Pi Alpha Alpha. [There may be a secretary-treasurer if the local chapter desires. Also, there may be such other officers as are deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the local chapter, e.g., historian, parliamentarian, etc.] All officers shall perform duties as prescribed by this Chapter and in accordance with procedures established by the NASPAA Pi Alpha Alpha Special Ad Hoc Committee.

(a) President
The President shall preside at all meetings and serve as the official representative of this Chapter. The President shall be elected by the membership from among the student and faculty members.

(b) Vice-President
The Vice-President shall serve in the capacity of the President during such times as he/she may be absent and perform other duties as directed by this chapter. The Vice-President shall be elected by the membership from among the student and faculty members.

(c) Secretary
The Secretary shall act as President during the absence of the President and the Vice-President and shall keep the official minutes of this Chapter and perform other duties as normally are associated with this office. The Secretary shall be elected by the membership from among the student and faculty members.

(d) Treasurer
The Treasurer shall collect the dues and perform such other duties as normally are associated with this office. The Treasurer shall be elected by the membership from among the student and faculty members.

(e) Chapter Advisor
The Chapter Advisor shall be chosen by the chapter from amongst the faculty or staff. The Chapter Advisor may be the NASPAA Principal Representative and/or the Treasurer of this Chapter.

(f) Elections
Officers, except the Chapter Advisor, shall be elected annually and shall assume their offices following their election. A majority of the membership shall be required for the election. Should a vacancy occur in any office, except the Chapter Advisor, it shall be filled by special election.

Regular meetings of the [NAME OF COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY] Chapter shall be conducted at least bi-annually, at the beginning of the Fall and Spring academic terms. Special meetings may be called by the President or Chapter Advisor.

(a) Business
A simple majority of the membership present will be sufficient to act on business before this Chapter unless specified otherwise in the adopted rules and regulations of this Chapter and/or of the National Council of Pi Alpha Alpha.

ARTICLE v - remaining in good standing

In order for a chapter to remain in good standing the Chapter Advisor and other officers must in good faith try to carry out the chapter obligations as spelled out within Articles I - IV.  Chapters unable to carry out these duties must not induct any students and should become inactive and remain inactive until such time when they are able to fulfill the chapter obligations.  The NASPAA Pi Alpha Alpha Special Ad Hoc Committee (Committee) may at any time review the activities of any chapter it believes is not in good standing.  If membership discrepancies, financial mismanagement or other issues are found, the Committee may recommend to the NASPAA Executive Council that the Chapter to become inactive.  If egregious errors are made the Committee can recommend the NASPAA Executive Council review the chapter’s activities.  The Executive Council can also require the chapter to become inactive or revoke the chapter’s charter.

ARTICLE vI - amendments

The Constitution of this Chapter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the active membership within a period specified by the President and Chapter Advisor.

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